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a pre-law blog about women in court, court cases and  everything law related 

courtroom clothing (do's & don'ts)

“Wear a shirt under your suit that is not too tight, not low cut, not brightly colored, not patterned, not ruffly, and not too feminine.”...

tips for you to study effectively

With finals coming up I wanted to give you a few tips on how to succeeded during finals week and prepare effectively for the last tests...

why you should read...

... books about law and the criminal justice system that aren't just assigned in class. I recently read the book “The Fact of a Body: A...

why undergrads should do mock trial (THIS MEANS YOU)

Walking into your first trial as an attorney is intimidating … to say the least. Most of the time lawyers have been working their way up...

specific self care techniques

In the last blog I talked about how imperative self care is in the legal profession. Burnout, addictions and other stresses are connected...

why you should care about self care

Self care is imperative for each and every person. Since the stress levels are so high in the law profession , it is imperative to...

relax & rewind (the movie)

Sometimes all you want to do at the end of a long week is sit on the couch with a bag of popcorn and watch a good movie. I love watching...

write a brief. your way.

Taking the fear out of writing briefs for your classes. Briefs can be extremely long, boring and confusing or they can be short, sweet...

trial prep: mock trial 101

During undergraduate programs there is an opportunity to be involved in Mock Trial. This is a fantastic way to get hands on experience...

tell vivid stories, win your trials

Mr. Rogers from Mr. Rogers neighborhood carried a quote, written on a worn piece of paper in his wallet, from a social worker which read,...


"I ask no favors for my sex... all I ask of our brethren is that they take will take their feet from off our necks." A quote from Sarah...

soccer cleats & pre-law things

A quick little peek into the life of a pre-law student, Sydney Wilson. Sydney Wilson is a member of the University of South Dakota Soccer...

quick & easy LSAT prep tips

A lot of children start by having their mothers scrapbook their every waking moment creating a timeline for their child, regardless of...

re: women in the courtroom

When I was a girl I thought that gender equality was a thing of the past. I witnessed a strong mother lead church groups and bible...

Switchin' Roles & Soles

The thin fabric of my shoes didn't offer sufficient protection against the ragged rocks of below my worn out feet and did less to...



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